
About Dr. Robin

About Dr. Robin

Dr. Robin Soifer, DVM, CVA


Thank you for inquiring about my practice. Congratulations to you for opening your mind and heart to a different way of healing and medicine for your beloved animals. You’ve likely contacted me because you heard about holistic Medicine, acupuncture or homeopathy and would like to use them for your animal’s current condition; or maybe your pet is in a chronic or desperate situation and you have run out of options with conventional medicine. Or maybe you are learning about Natural Rearing and desire a wellness-oriented approach to health for your animal companion. Whatever your motivation, I hope my practice can be of service to both you and your pet.

My Mission

I am here to provide you and your pet(s) with an alternative view and way of veterinary care that looks at the whole animal including physical, mental, emotional, energetic and spiritual aspects. I use a variety of modalities for healing and health but am primarily doing phone consultations, acupuncture or homeopathy along with nutrition, herbs, supplements, light therapy and Alpha Stim microcurrent therapy to help bring a body back into balance. I am a fully trained veterinarian, but I prefer that your allopathic veterinarian perform most diagnostic tests and surgical procedures, allowing me to focus more on the natural treatments, but am happy to work in partnership with your regular veterinarian if necessary. My current practice is conducted either at your home or barn or telemedicine (phone or video calls). I thoroughly enjoy educating my clients about how to help support and heal your animal companions naturally and support wellness.


My Background

I came into veterinary medicine later in life, but have always had a passion for animals since I was a little girl. My life just took a more circuitous path to get to this point where I can help animals heal themselves. I started off as a competitive boardercross and extreme snowboarder that loved her first dog, Salad so much and craved to learn everything about caring for her. I eventually started a luxury pet boarding facility in Crested Butte, CO where my interest in holistic medicine increased and where I also became a mother to the most amazing daughter. Fast forward to losing my 2 best friends (1 to cancer and 1 to a tick-borne illness) within a 2-month period as an Army wife in Tennessee. My grief turned into a drive to learn more to helping animals heal. Watching a veterinarian on a show called Dog Town (filmed at Best Friends Animal Sanctuary) sparked the idea that it wasn’t too late to fulfill my childhood dream of becoming a veterinarian. After a total 10 years of school (undergraduate and vet school), I finally graduated from Washington State University College of Veterinary Medicine in May 2020 right in the middle of a pandemic. Four brutal years of vet school as a single mother, dealing with a serious illness while in vet school, and a global pandemic were reasons why I decided to take a break after graduation to spend time with my daughter and get my veterinary acupuncture certification (CVA) through Chi University in Florida before embarking on my veterinary career. I moved in the summer of 2021 with my daughter and 2 dogs to the Flathead Valley in Montana after vet school to live closer to the mountains and lakes we cherish so much.
dog receiving acupuncture