


What Is Acupuncture?

Pet acupuncture
animal acupuncture on rabbit

Acupuncture is an effective form of medical treatment that has evolved into a complete holistic health care system. Practitioners of acupuncture and Chinese medicine have used this noninvasive treatment method to help millions of people become well and stay well for centuries.

Acupuncture is a modality of Tradition Chinese Veterinary Medicine (TCVM) that promotes natural healing. It can enhance recuperative power and immunity, support physical and emotional health, and improve overall function and well-being. It is a safe, painless and effective way to treat a wide variety of medical problems…not just arthritis!

In an acupuncture treatment, ultra-fine needles are placed gently into tried and tested points on the body, treating pain and illness as signals that the body is ‘out of balance’. The aim of an acupuncture treatment is to help restore equilibrium by promoting the body’s ability to facilitate healing. Other tools can be used to stimulate the points that don’t involve piercing the skin if animals or people are needle phobic or sensitive.

What makes Chinese medicine well suited to the modern world is that it recognizes that the physical, mental and emotional aspects of life are connected. Therefore, the focus in treatment is on the individual, not only on the illness, and all symptoms are taken into account.

With acute or rapid onset diseases/problems/injuries, often only 1 treatment may be necessary. However, with chronic conditions, it is important to realize that more treatments (at least 3-5) may be necessary with each treatment building on the other and helping the body get back into balance as much as possible and stay in balance for longer.

The list of ailments or problems (acute or chronic) that acupuncture can help is almost endless. Here are a few:

Musculoskeletal issues: soreness, weakness, arthritis, degenerative joint disease, improved healing from surgeries and injuries like cruciate ligament ruptures

Neurological disorders: seizures, intervertebral disc disease, nerve issues and paralysis

Gastrointestinal disorders: diarrhea, ulcers, vomiting, constipation, and impactions

Other chronic issues: liver disease, skin problems, lung problems, renal failure, behavioral issues, endocrine disorders like diabetes and Cushing’s, uveitis and corneal ulcers

Quality of life, cancer and hospice care

TCVM herbal remedies can be added as well to increase the effectiveness and allow for more time between acupuncture sessions.


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