


Holistic Vet Patient 2

Our Charges

omeopathic 1st consultation includes up to 2 hours of in-person (if not able to then we can do this over the phone), evaluation of the case & preparing a specific protocol for your animal. $300 plus mobile fee

Follow-up consults are usually over phone, text or email. They are based on an hourly rate $120/hour

  • Most follow ups for homeopathy are only 15-30 minutes

Emergency/Acute homeopathic prescriptions includes 20 minutes of phone or text time to find out more about your pet & problem, a prescription for a certain remedy, and up to 15 min of follow up $100

-extra charges for the actual remedy may be added depending on what the remedy is

Acupuncture 1st Consultations are 1.5 hours: include an acupuncture treatment along with other modalities as well if necessary, a follow up email with suggestions & information $200 plus mobile fee

Follow up treatments for acupuncture are up to an hour: $100 plus mobile fee

General holistic medicine (modified vaccine, diet, etc) phone consultations: $120/hour $65 for ½ hour

-if you are wanting me to go over medical records, make herbal or homeopathic recommendations then the rate according to the time it takes to go over the records & if further research needs to be done.

I do not charge extra for brief updates via texts or emails on the conditions of your pets because I welcome and want this information. However, if I have to answer many questions or is a novel 😉, I may charge extra according to my hourly rate of $100/hour.

Any calls outside of regular work days or scheduled consult times are going to be charged an urgent fee in addition to the time per hour. I am happy to return your call if I can but just realize that it will cost extra which is variable but I will always try to keep it reasonable.

I accept cash or checks with no fee. I do charge a 3-4% fee on bills paid via Venmo, PayPal or Square.

Payment is expected upon service.




If the occasion arises where you need to cancel or reschedule an appointment, please give a minimum of a 24 hour notice (more if possible). Failure to do so will result in a $30 late cancellation/reschedule fee.

I do understand, though, that illnesses, accidents, etc. don’t always give us notice so I may waive this fee if it is the first time and there is good reason.

farm animal vet