


What Is Homeopathy?

Homeopathy is a complete medical system that is based on the principle that “like treats like.” It uses natural substances in highly diluted forms to stimulate a healing reaction in the body. Basically, a substance given in toxic doses can cause symptoms in a healthy individual but in highly diluted doses, it can cure those symptoms in a sick individual. To accomplish this healing there must be a match of symptoms (like treats like). Homeopathic remedies work with the energy of the body, or what we call the vital force. These remedies gently nudge or stimulate the vital force to start the chain reaction of healing. The body can and will heal itself if given the chance along with clean food and a clean environment.

This is quite different from the usual modern/western/conventional/allopathic model of medicine. In conventional medicine, when we are in pain, have an infection, or are diagnosed with a disease, our first thought is care that includes pharmaceuticals and surgery to suppress the symptoms and help us feel better almost right away. Homeopathy, in contrast, aims to look at the whole being (body, mind and spirit) and treat the root cause of the dis-ease which is the disturbance of that vital force spoken of earlier. In acute or rapid onset conditions, it can offer a very rapid but gentle cure and recovery with very little side effects if the correct remedy is chosen. It’s non-toxic because of the highly diluted nature.

I use Classical Homeopathy which only uses one remedy at a time and this remedy is individualized to every unique set of symptoms.

Benefits to Homeopathy

Veterinary homeopathy offers numerous benefits to the patient and the pet parent. Homeopathy…

  • Increases the overall health of the pet: In treating a chronic disease, the focus is on the pet as a whole. The presentation of symptoms for a disease state can be different for each pet, so treatment options are customized to the unique patient. During the initial appointment, a life history is taken as well as discussion of the symptoms and behaviors of the pet. Proper nutrition and environmental factors may also be discussed as part of the overall plan to reach optimum wellness. With each step in making the pet healthier, the body gains a greater ability to heal.

  • Produces longer lasting results with a decreasing number of treatments needed: Since the objective of homeopathy is to trigger the body’s natural defenses, the body becomes stronger and the period between treatments usually lengthens. If a stressful event causes symptoms to reemerge, medication is given and additional treatment may not be necessary again.

  • Eliminates toxic side effects: Often modern pharmaceuticals come with a long list of possible side effects. Where one symptom is treated, another—whether mild or life-threatening—may emerge. The homeopathic approach eliminates these medication side-effects and the result is curative rather than suppressive.

  • Reduces healthcare costs over the life of your pet: Especially when treating a chronic condition—such as hip dysplasia and joint problems, respiratory and urinary disease, or gastro-intestinal issues—conventional treatment is usually on-going management of the chronic condition. A homeopathic approach is designed so that the body is naturally able to address the underlying cause of the symptoms so that continuous medication administration—and the costs associated with long-term care—is not necessary.

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“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Blandit amet, cras morbi elit viverra. Velit, orci eget neque leo leo vitae justo. Lorem scelerisque at condimentum arcu, nullam pulvinar”
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Manager at Furniti
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“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Blandit amet, cras morbi elit viverra. Velit, orci eget neque leo leo vitae justo. Lorem scelerisque at condimentum arcu, nullam pulvinar”